Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a nice, relaxing weekend!
We have our first early release day this Wednesday, September 18th. We will dismiss at 1:40. You filled out an Early Release form on Meet the teacher night. If there are any changes to it, please let me know before Wednesday. Wednesday is also our first Buddy Day! If your child is in character club, they will also meet Wednesday. Don't forget to check SIS to stay up to date on your child's grades. In reading and writing, we have been working on building our stamina and routines, so reading and writing grades may not be an accurate representation. As we get into guided reading, and teaching skills, you will see more assignments posted.
This week in math, we will be taking our Chapter 3 quiz on Wednesday. It will cover addition and subtraction up to 4 digit numbers with carrying and borrowing, estimation, and word problems. They will have to decide whether or not to add or subtract and whether to estimate or find an exact answer. The study guide will be coming home tonight and will be due on Wednesday. We will then begin Chapter 4 and learn how to write and solve addition and subtraction equations and expressions.
This week in English Language Arts, we will begin guided reading! Students are very excited to be meeting and reading books in small group. We will also be working on questioning this week. In writing we are continuing to learn about revising and beginning to learn about editing our writing. Everyone should be writing for 5 minutes each night in their writer's notebooks or on Kidblog. It is Week C for turning in writer's notebooks on Friday, and they should have 11 entries by Friday. I love reading their notebooks each week! We are going to be getting new spelling words this week. Your child should have their new words stapled in their planner by the end of the day on Wednesday. We will not test over these words until Friday, October 4th.
Updates from SPTG:
Great American Fundraiser: The fundraiser is in full swing, and we thank you for your participation! Remember, that there are 2 more days to turn in Lucky Monkey coupons--Tuesday, September 17 and Friday, September 20. Final turn-in days for orders is September 24, but feel free to turn your orders in anytime you feel your order is complete.
Want to order online? The code for Sappington is on the blue information sheet in your packet, but also here: 2235919. Online orders count toward prize earnings for the kids, too, so feel free to let your out-of-town friends and family know!
The Great American Fundraiser is our one, large-scale fundraiser of the year where we make up the most of our operating budget--we are not selling Entertainment books or EFG (Major Saver) Cards anymore. We will have smaller fundraisers, and we certainly appreciate any help you can give.
Coming Soon: Grant's Farm Night September 26th from 5:00-8:00.
I hope everyone has a great week! Let me know if you have any questions!