Monday, August 19, 2013


This is our first full week of school!  We had a great first two days, and I am excited to start our first full week.  Planners will be coming home today for the first time this afternoon.  Please have students write in what book they read, and sign the planner when they have finished their homework.

We have curriculum night Tuesday night at 7:00 in the cafeteria.  I hope all of you can make it to hear all about our curriculum and procedures for fourth grade.

Our class is beginning math instruction this week.  Your child will be learning about place value through the millions place.   We will learn how to read and write numbers through the millions place, as well as how to expand them and understand the value of each number.  Your child will also be learning about  benchmark numbers and picture graphs this week.  We will be starting centers this week, and all students seem very eager to be learning in this way.

In English language arts, we are working on how to choose books, the three ways to read a book, and building our reading stamina.  We read for five minutes as a class on Friday, with no distractions!  It was amazing!

Students will begin to switch classes on Tuesday!  Mrs. Pride will be teaching our class Science, and Ms. Flinn will be teaching our class Social Studies.  I will be starting writing instruction on Tuesday as well!  In writing, students will be working on getting our writer's notebooks started, and building our writing stamina.

I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday Night for Curriculum Night!  Have a great week!

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