Monday, August 26, 2013

Weekly update!

It is our second full week of school.  We had a great first full week!  Thank you for coming up to school on Tuesday night to hear about fourth grade! 

In math, your child will have their first math quiz tomorrow.  We will spend math reviewing today.  They should know how to find the value of a number, how to write it in standard, word, and expanded form. Also, how to read a picture graph and how to use a benchmark number to estimate another number.  Study guides will go home tonight.  We will then begin to learn how to compare and order numbers, and how to round them.  

In communication arts your child is continuing to work on building their reading and writing stamina.  In reading, we are learning how to talk about our books, how to record our reading, and distinguishing between fiction and nonfiction types of books.  In writing we are continuing to build ideas for our writer's notebooks.  Your child will begin to write for homework for 5 minutes each night this week (Monday -Thursday nights only).  Ideas we have generated so far are: experiences from our lives, letters, people, wonderings, ideas from outdoors, dream jobs, and inventions.  Their writing is their choice in their writer's notebooks.  We will have our notebooks set up and have a celebration this Friday for completing them.  Next week students will be getting ready to begin learning the writing process and all about personal narratives.  Spelling words will be sent home with your child (stapled into the planner) today or tomorrow.  We will not be tested over these words for two weeks.  Your child's spelling test will be Friday, September 6th.  

As always, let me know any questions you have!  It should be another great week! 

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