Monday, January 27, 2014


I hope everyone had a nice weekend!  It will be nice to have a full week of classes this week!  On Tuesday, the students will attend Ability Awareness Day.  It will also be Blues Day.  Feel free to have your child wear any Blues apparel to school.  Tuesday night is also Sappington Blues Night at the hockey game.  

This week in curriculum: 
This week in math, we are continuing to learn about multipling by 1 digit numbers.  We will learn to estimate products, and multiply numbers up through 1 by 4 digits.  We will learn multiple strategies to help students with understanding.  Students knowledge of basic facts will help them tremendously through this unit.  Look for anchor charts as the week does on.  We will not quiz over this chapter until next week.  

This week in English language arts we are continuing to learn about figurative language.  We focused on similes last week, so when you are reading at night with your child, ask them to point any they find out to you, and tell you what it means.  This week we will study metaphors and idioms.  In writing we are continuing to learn about the American Revolution.  We will begin learning how nonfiction writers pre-write and begin the drafting process.  We have our spelling test this Friday.  All students should have their tic tac toes turned in Friday morning before the test.  

As always, let me know any questions you have.  Have a wonderful week!  

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


I hope you all enjoyed your extra day off this week!
We will be taking our Unit 9 test this morning after a quick review in math.  We will review the test in class on Thursday.  Then we will start our new unit on Friday.  We are getting back into multiplication instruction, so it is very important that your child knows their multiplication facts.  We will be starting with chapter 10, which introduces multiplication by 1 digit numbers up to 1 number times four numbers.  Example: 1,234 x 5.
In English Language Arts, we are continuing to learn about figurative language, focusing on similes.  We finished up our opinion writing pieces and will be getting into writing information pieces next week.  This week we are learning about our upcoming unit by studying the American Revolution.  We will use this topic to introduce and practice writing this expository writing, then eventually choose our own topics.  Spelling test is next Friday, January 31.

The school Spelling Bee is this upcoming Friday afternoon!

Have a great week!!!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Buddy day!

Buddy day

Buddies learned about integrity and Martin Luther King Jr.  They learned how he stood up for others, and the discussed hoe they could do the same.  

Souperbowl bowl of caring

Souper Bowl of Caring

Did you know that during Super Bowl week 2009, youth across the nation raised over $10 million for charities that help the hungry and the hurting through participating in Souper Bowl of Caring? Through this national movement, America's teens are transforming Super Bowl weekend into the nation's largest youth-led weekend of giving and serving.

I am involved in the Souper Bowl of Caring because it is a simple and meaningful way for youth to learn about the needs in their community and do something to help. They also learn that when we all work together, big things can happen.

I believe this movement is special and would like to invite you to get involved.

During the time around the Super Bowl, youth collect food or monetary donations. Each group donates their collection directly to the charity of their choice. Organizers simply ask that groups report their collection amount so a national total can be determined.

It’s this easy!
• Collect donations on or near Super Bowl Sunday.
(Churches typically collect on Super Bowl Sunday and schools collect between Jan. 27th and Feb. 4th )
• Report your results at for the country to see the power of caring. (Results will be reported by Miss Zelle)
• Donate 100% of your collection to the charity of your choice.  (We will be donating to local food pantries in our area)

To learn more about Souper Bowl of Caring, visit or call 800-358-7687. America’s youth are working to make 2013 a record year for the Souper Bowl of Caring, by raising millions for hunger and poverty-related charities across the country. I hope you will choose to get involved in this grassroots, youth-led movement that is helping those around the country who are in need.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Reading updates

We wil be learning about our new book projects this week.  The rubrics will come home on Friday, and your child will have their book approved by Friday as well.  Book projects will due Monday, February 24.  They will be done on a cereal box.  If you need a cereal box, please let me know, and I will send one home with your child.  Also, if you would like your child's cereal box covered at school, you can send it in, and we will cover it with paper for them here.  Thanks! 

We also began learning how to answer constructed response questions.  

Math anchor charts

Monday, January 13, 2014

Updates- Science and Social Studies

In social studies this week we are learning about how the French claimed Missouri and the Louisiana Purchase. The students are going to create a timeline about themselves and use important events form these topics to create a history timeline. 

This week in science we will learn about classifying rocks and minerals.  Students will learn to identify properties of minerals, such as hardness, luster, and streak. 


Welcome back from break!  Last week was a nice, short week.  We spent the day getting ready for the new year and new semester by writing goals for ourselves.

This week in curriculum:
In math we are continuing Unit 9 by learning about three dimensional shapes.  We will learn about their names, and how to identify three dimensional shapes by their faces, nets, edges, and vertices.  We will not take a Chapter 30 test, because we will be taking a Unit 9 Test on Monday.  The unit test will cover area, perimeter, and three dimensional shapes.

In English language arts, we are beginning to learn about figurative language.  We will learn about similes, metaphors, hyperbole, imagery, idioms, personification, and onomatopoeia.  In writing we are learning about organizing, revising, and editing our opinion pieces of writing.  We will begin publishing next week.  New spelling words will be coming home today with your child.  The test over these words will be Friday, January 31st.

We have an early release day on Wednesday at 1:40.  This will also be buddy day and Character Club will meet.

Have a wonderful week!