Monday, January 13, 2014


Welcome back from break!  Last week was a nice, short week.  We spent the day getting ready for the new year and new semester by writing goals for ourselves.

This week in curriculum:
In math we are continuing Unit 9 by learning about three dimensional shapes.  We will learn about their names, and how to identify three dimensional shapes by their faces, nets, edges, and vertices.  We will not take a Chapter 30 test, because we will be taking a Unit 9 Test on Monday.  The unit test will cover area, perimeter, and three dimensional shapes.

In English language arts, we are beginning to learn about figurative language.  We will learn about similes, metaphors, hyperbole, imagery, idioms, personification, and onomatopoeia.  In writing we are learning about organizing, revising, and editing our opinion pieces of writing.  We will begin publishing next week.  New spelling words will be coming home today with your child.  The test over these words will be Friday, January 31st.

We have an early release day on Wednesday at 1:40.  This will also be buddy day and Character Club will meet.

Have a wonderful week!

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