Wednesday, January 22, 2014


I hope you all enjoyed your extra day off this week!
We will be taking our Unit 9 test this morning after a quick review in math.  We will review the test in class on Thursday.  Then we will start our new unit on Friday.  We are getting back into multiplication instruction, so it is very important that your child knows their multiplication facts.  We will be starting with chapter 10, which introduces multiplication by 1 digit numbers up to 1 number times four numbers.  Example: 1,234 x 5.
In English Language Arts, we are continuing to learn about figurative language, focusing on similes.  We finished up our opinion writing pieces and will be getting into writing information pieces next week.  This week we are learning about our upcoming unit by studying the American Revolution.  We will use this topic to introduce and practice writing this expository writing, then eventually choose our own topics.  Spelling test is next Friday, January 31.

The school Spelling Bee is this upcoming Friday afternoon!

Have a great week!!!

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