Monday, January 27, 2014


I hope everyone had a nice weekend!  It will be nice to have a full week of classes this week!  On Tuesday, the students will attend Ability Awareness Day.  It will also be Blues Day.  Feel free to have your child wear any Blues apparel to school.  Tuesday night is also Sappington Blues Night at the hockey game.  

This week in curriculum: 
This week in math, we are continuing to learn about multipling by 1 digit numbers.  We will learn to estimate products, and multiply numbers up through 1 by 4 digits.  We will learn multiple strategies to help students with understanding.  Students knowledge of basic facts will help them tremendously through this unit.  Look for anchor charts as the week does on.  We will not quiz over this chapter until next week.  

This week in English language arts we are continuing to learn about figurative language.  We focused on similes last week, so when you are reading at night with your child, ask them to point any they find out to you, and tell you what it means.  This week we will study metaphors and idioms.  In writing we are continuing to learn about the American Revolution.  We will begin learning how nonfiction writers pre-write and begin the drafting process.  We have our spelling test this Friday.  All students should have their tic tac toes turned in Friday morning before the test.  

As always, let me know any questions you have.  Have a wonderful week!  

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