Monday, February 24, 2014


Good Morning!  I hope everyone had a nice weekend!
Conference forms went home last week.  Please indicate if you would like a conference, and I will get you a time for Thursday, March 6th.

We are kicking off our Pennies for Patients Project this week! It will last for two weeks.

Wednesday February 26 – Green day. Wear as much green as you can and bring in pennies. See if everyone and your class can come in wearing green.

Friday Feb. 28 – Pajama day. Wear your PJ’s to school and bring in nickels.

Tuesday March 4 – Inside out/backwards day. Wear your clothes backwards or inside out and bring in dimes.

Thursday March 6 – Hat day. Wear your favorite hat and bring in quarters.

Friday March 7 – BYOG. Bring your own gum and collect dollars (this is a half day).

This week in Curriculum: 

In math, we have finished our unit on multiplication, but we still need to keep practicing our multiplication facts.  We will use our facts knowledge in our next unit which is division.  We will learn division strategies, remainders, and long division procedures.  

In English Language Arts, we will be working on finding the Main Idea and Supporting Details of a piece of reading.  We will also continue to work on close reading and constructed response comprehension questions.  In writing we are continuing to work on our Historical Fiction Books.  We are drafting Chapter 4, historical essays.  Then we will learn how to place text features and direct quotes into nonfiction writing.  This week is a B-week for writer's notebooks, so B-week writers should have 10 entries by Friday.  We are going to get new Spelling words today.  Our Spelling test will be Friday, March 14th.  

Have a great week!  As always let me know any questions you have!  

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