Monday, May 5, 2014


Good morning!  I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!  The music performance yesterday was amazing!  I enjoyed seeing everyone!  We have a few changes to the schedule this week with our field trip on Wednesday and Writer's Day on Friday.

This week in curriculum:
In math we are beginning our new unit on decimals.  We will learn how to read and write decimals through the thousandths place, relate decimals to fractions, find equivalent decimals, and compare and order decimals.  We will have our quiz next week on Wednesday.  Be sure to check back for anchor charts.
In English Language Arts we are continuing to study fairy tales, fractured fairy tales, and our fractured fairy tale plays.  We will chose our roles this week and begin to practice.  In writing we are beginning our new unit, The Literary Essay.  We will get our new writing partners today and begin learning to write well about our reading.  This week is a B week for writer's notebooks.  B week notebooks should turn in on Friday with 11 entries.

Our field trip is this Wednesday.  If you are planning on joining us, please be at Sappington to follow the bus at 10:30.  We plan to arrive at the first capitol building in St. Charles to have lunch at 11:15.  Students need to bring a sack lunch.  They we will begin our guided tours at 12:00 and 1:00, and head back to Sappington. As of right now, it looks like we are going to have beautiful weather, but if it is raining, please send you child with an umbrella.  We will be doing a lot of walking, so tennis shoes are a good idea as well.

Writer's Day Friday: We will have a Writer's Day at Sappington Friday.  We will be visiting authors, and writing ourselves.  It is also the Volunteer Lunch.  If you have helped out our room or Sappington this year, which is all of you, please come in to for our volunteer celebration.  We want to say thank you for all of your help on field trips, help with class projects, and everything else you do from 11:15-12.  

Have a wonderful week!  Please do not hesitate to ask me any questions! 

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