Monday, November 18, 2013


Good morning!  I hope you all had a great weekend!  This week we have quite a few fun things planned.
We are getting a new student this morning.  Her name is Emelyn.  We are very excited for the new addition to our class.
Tuesday we have our field trip to the Magic House.  We plan to leave school at 9:15 and return by lunch time at 12:00.  Make sure all permission slips are sent in.  If you are attending the field trip, and want to ride the bus, be sure to be at Sappington no later than 9:15.  If you would like to meet us at the Magic House, our field trip begins there at 9:45.
On Wednesday, we will have a Blue Ribbon Assembly at 9:00.  I will be handing out t-shirts to students that morning when they come in.  Please have them wear something a t-shirt can fit easily over.  We will also have our Safe Surf Assembly that day.

This week in curriculum:
We are continuing to learn about Geometry in math.  We are learning about the different types of quadrilaterals today, and  circles tomorrow.  We will review on Wednesday, and take our quiz on Thursday.  Study guides will come home on Tuesday night and be due Thursday morning.  On Friday, we will begin learning about symmetry.  Look for more anchor charts later this week.

In writing we are continuing to learn about becoming essayists and generating ideas for our writing.  In reading we are continuing to learn about making inferences in fiction stories.  We will learn about non fiction stories by the end of the week.  We have our spelling test on Friday! Tic Tac Toes are due then as well.

In science, students are continuing to learn about ecosystems.  In social studies, students are learning about the first Missourians.

Have a great week, and please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns!

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